Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

Now that I'm seeing how awesome my taste used to be, I need to either paint or trade my wheels for hyperblack and I want a wingless trunk. The lights are getting painted too. The WRX needs a make over. ITs too ... common.
One more


Texas baby yeah!
The blue meanine..... miss that car...

I would go with Dawn and get 40 series. I am afraid to see what happens to me when I lower the car just a inch....
Can't forget Zoe.


Okay okay. I'm done whoring my cars out now.
I'm on a VERY mild drop, just the pro-kit.

Probably gonna change it up and get the 40s. Dawn, the ones i got are 18x8.
I'm on a VERY mild drop, just the pro-kit.

Probably gonna change it up and get the 40s. Dawn, the ones i got are 18x8.

Definitely don't go beyond 40. 225/40 you might be stretched a little. Maybe try 235/40 for a beefier look?
eh, I had 235s on the RPF1s and a 9in wide rim. Think I'm gonna go with some 225 S-Drives. Got enough neg camber to be good in the back and I can add some to the front if necessary.
Dawn in your time line of cars since I have know you..... I like the Meanine, WRX then the Z in that order
I have a feeling I am gonna need to camber the front and rears and I am only going with a 1" drop...
I got HFP springs.. But like you where, I am on 8 inch wide wheels and I know they are already rubbing on hard compression, scared on whats gonna happen after lowering it..
indeed. The STI rear sway was most awesome with the stock tires. It handled so well that it scared me some and I didn't trust it for a while. You really have to be moving on the dragon to get the tires to squeal

doood, a 22mm rear bar on full stiff gets scary at the limit, in a fun way :giggle:, actually the rear end stepped out waay too quick. Nice for autoX where I can drive the car with the throttle in a controlled enviornment, but bad for street driving. The bar is on the middle setting now, I'm still getting an alignment for moar front camber soon.
Clean Civic, though I am partial to cutting the clear (turn/reverse) out of the taillight tint. Looks like you sprayed them?

And yes, wingless ftmfw.
Yep, tires make all the difference, my sister's cobalt had general altimax artics on it before she moved to FL, and it went through a foot of snow with no problems. I'm getting a set of those for winter, in 215/55/16, I honestly can't wait for the snow to start falling.