Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

I did the dishes at the apartment, cleaned a little, then got bored with it and remember my coworker was off today, so figured i'd come in and do her shift.
Circle track racing. If you can get on Youtube at work just type in Langley Speedway. They do a YouTube video of the action every week. People take their cars and race them around the track. It's entertaining to say the least.

I hope the loud *** supercharged k24 EK is there tonight. It's so loud, beast too. When it goes around the track the drivers side rear wheels always comes off the ground throughout the whole turn :giggle:
To add to the drama of flashing, now my computer is crapping out. Noodle thinks the graphics card is going out.

On a lighter note, even though they're Corollas, yum!

I asked in the "What are you listening to?" thread but what's some good headphones (for computer use/Droid use). Remember I'm a cheap ***.. NO earbuds!!

Here is a picture of my current phones I use at the gym.

Motherfreaking son of b*tch....... Axles are in and the car is running perfect, minus the fact that the company I bought the struts from sent me the wrong freaking struts........
Sorry to hear Nathan! That blows!

Aaaaaaaand, Jeff is back! HAHA! I use my stock earbuds when I run. Used to use some Sony wrap arounds that I loved, but the foam came apart, and I'm too cheap to buy new ones.