Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

Still glad I didn't go, didn't feel like driving today ::surrender:

Building a shed, so I was digging stuff up all day, gotta mow some lawns tomorrow.

Thinking about ordering the exhaust either this week or next :excited:

I envy you college graduates and your free time on weekends. Our online site was down today so tomorrow is dedicated to nothing but homework. :( I'm so tired of doing this I just want the degree already. lol.
Keith, I'm tired, I'll watch the videos tomorrow :thumbsup:

I envy you college graduates and your free time on weekends. Our online site was down today so tomorrow is dedicated to nothing but homework. :( I'm so tired of doing this I just want the degree already. lol.

I actually want to go back to school :ohnoes: ,
album (multiple pages):
0618 Wicked Big Meet pictures by keith_757 - Photobucket

pics with my crappy phone






Just got home from poker! :)

Made $140 :woot:

and the iPad 2 was nice but i'm use to a regular keyboard...
iPads suck. I don't understand the allure. Either get a phone or get a computer.
I'm stull surprised you have one on the car. I can't imagine what that thing would sound like with a catless DP on it. Yikes!
I'm with Dawn on this school ****. I am just digging into mine as well. Have an exam and discussion board to post today and tomorrow.

Josh started showing me the pics of WBM, and at first it looked comparable to our AWD Redrocks meets in CO, then it turned the corner... Holy hell, that's a lot of Subies!
Yea when I saw the video I was like thats not too bad of a crowd then when he continues to pan right I was like holy crap thats a lot of Subies...
I kinda wish I went to the WBM, but there's always next year :excited:

Lol that may be next......I may just take the downpipe off and punch out what is left of the cat if it starts annoying me

Good luck, metal cats are hard to punch out :ohnoes:
Getting ready for my long week.....tonight is gonna be last night I see my bed for a week....
I don't think I'm gonna make A/C this weekend, got a shed to build and I wanna save up some money. Plus I think I'm gonna order & install the exhaust within the next two weeks :woot:
Good Evening Everyone :wave:

JasonPA: I will believe it when I see pictures of the new exhaust! :giggle:

Nathan: a week? Where ya going? :confused:

JasonVA: Sucks about school but it will be worth it in the end right? :bighug: