Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

I would watch when running an aftermarket panel filter, it can cause incorrect MAF readings, I know my legacy didn't like it much on the stage 2 tune.
I havent had any problems with it so far, I also havent flashed the car yet, completely stock.

I sprayed out the engine bottom it was full of dry mud and the undercarriage. Also the fender wells and suspension. There was a ton of mud. Car is all clean and new looking once again.
Michele Bachmann's eyes freak me the hell out. Sarah Palin was easy on the eyes. The moment either open their mouths, birds fall out of the sky and flop on the ground like dead fish.
Ew. I don't want to see her naked. Or him for that matter.
Augh the Minnesota Woogiemonster is talking. Birds are dying.
The Focus ST should be a hot car when they bring it here, but no awd so no care really

My car is still dirty :mad: , gotta handwash it this weekend, as well as start on the exhaust video
Dammit. I don't want to wait that long on the video. lol. '
I would say send me the exhaust vid stuff, but it would take me about 2 weeks right now..... I am swamped....