Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

wow thats big even for autox, are you gonna go stage 1 or 2 anytime soon? Did you feel any gains from the muffler deletes?
nope on the stg 1or 2. The stock WRX is in a great class and I don't want to change it

Reportedly, the nameless adds about 10 Hp but I can't say that I feel it. Restriction is non existent now though :)

'11 WRX (30k mi) & '99 2.3CL (40k mi)
VA snobs lol

Keith I heard about the supposed 10whp gain, I wonder if it will be slightly more given im stage 1 and pushing a little more boost & airflow, they say the sedan mufflers are more restrictive than the hatch muffler.
Dunno, all I know is my car sounds badass

'11 WRX (30k mi) & '99 2.3CL (40k mi)
Jason: I'm still trying to figure out why my car SCREAMS when I get on it... Might be the intercooler hose to the turbo... I see it's not clamped tight and/or the hose is too big for it. I know it's not OEM hoses since the guy I bought it from didn't have them... Going to buy new hoses (I have Subaru bucks to use) and then we will see. If it doesn't fix the problem I have nice new (possibly blue) hoses on there :)
I am to race against a 370z, two s2k and a BRZ (so far) on Saturday. I just need to remember that packs my friend :)

'11 WRX (30k mi) & '99 2.3CL (40k mi)
Jason: I'm still trying to figure out why my car SCREAMS when I get on it... Might be the intercooler hose to the turbo... I see it's not clamped tight and/or the hose is too big for it. I know it's not OEM hoses since the guy I bought it from didn't have them... Going to buy new hoses (I have Subaru bucks to use) and then we will see. If it doesn't fix the problem I have nice new (possibly blue) hoses on there :)

are you hitting target boost? for it to be that loud you would have to be bleeding off a lot.
are you hitting target boost? for it to be that loud you would have to be bleeding off a lot.

Yes I am hitting target boost (well when I get on it lol). I will try to take a picture of the gap.. Maybe that will help. :-/
The vette scraping is only an air dam under the front. It is meant fold back out of the way when I go over speed bumps, etc.

I'll contact the garage to find out what they think about the vette. Otherwise, I can find somewhere else to park.
I was able to go in there at an angle and I hit my lip a bit. I don't think I'm as low as a vette tho..
the front lip on Subarus isn't designed to bend back like the vette's....just splimter & break lol, that's why I never buy them.