Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

and as quiet as a Prius.... wait they thought it was a prius, so you got a free pass
I thought I was going to have a discussion with some trooper(s) tonight. was going 7-9 over (big deal, I know), anyway, my 9500ix goes Ka crazy. I figure, big deal. Next thing I know, the spotlight comes on and he spots me as he rolls the other way. I'm like aw crap. I look for brake lights... nothing. hmmm....maybe someone will be waiting for me when I get to the toll booths in a few miles. I roll into there like granny... I mean Jeffer. I see a copper sitting on the side and I think, aw crap. I go through the tolls, no activity and I'm on my way. I'm rolling at 3 over cause my gut tells me I haven't seen the last of "them". about 5 mins later, I roll past a gas station service area on the interstate and see a cop sitting on the side of the road. aw crap! He pulls up kitty corner to me (likely running my plates) then pulls back and shadow plays me for about 5 mins, cruise still on at 3 over, no swerving, lane wandering, no nothing, I give him nothing to look at as an excuse. As we approach a median turnaround, he falls way back and U-turns. buh bye sucka
Funny, its pretty good at attracting ricers and douches.

Not stock at all, its modded in the places that really count, exhaust isnt one of them.

Oddly enough, my car doesn't attract too many assmonkey's. But that hood scoop seems to instigate minivans and trucks.
Mmmmmmm. if only it wasn't a Corolla.

I am incapable if sleeping in no matter how hard I try. :-(
Dawn I feel your pain. I woke up before my alarm went off for me to get to work :(

In the mean time, I kinda feel bad for my car. I'm beating it to death making it show me why I bought it and how much I love it.