What are you having for dinner?

Apart from it made me more nauseous because of the cream :giggle:

Ours ran out of the chocolate chips that they blend in with it (tends to make it a little gritty) so all they had was the peppermint syrup. Still yummy! I kinda prefer it without the chips..lol
Mussels cooked with shallots, garlic, parsley and parmesan. A side of fries and some Belgian beer. Oh yes.
Had some stuffed chicken(spinach, cheese, mushroom, bacon, onion stuffing) with mashed tater and broccoli with holiday sauce. Washed it down with a Fat Tire 1554
We need to have a new thread with recipes, since there are so many chefs on here. I'd like to try some of these dishes.
Jimmy John's #4 Turkey Tom add Cheese and Onions...

then went back a few hours later and got another...#4 Turkey Tom add cheese, onions and extra lettuce LOL