What are you having for dinner?

do they actually give it to you in a bag? No container of any type? Regardless... rotisserie chicken is pretty tasty
Yes, that bag retains the heat after they cook it so that it's still hot when I get home. Should I save you some next time honey? Perhaps if you didn't stay out so late "working"....
Yeah...we get chicken like that here from Kroger...Publix has it in a more paper like bag
Mike is coming over to see the townhome for the first time and Robert wants me to make us chicken tikka masala
Mike has never had curry before.......
I might go to Chic-Fila. Sara-Beth (fiance) is having her bachelorette (spelling) party tonight.
Shrimp Scampi
I got halfway through my meal and just burst out at the table "I FORGOT TO TAKE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111"

:rotfl: I got funny looks
Breakfast :)

Scrambled eggs, crispy home fries (diced potatoes), turkey bacon (crispy of course) and wheat toast :D