What is the piece they put in the rear bumper to protect the car?

Jordan Coronado

New Member
I have a bumper bully on my black civic, but it's leaving some type of residue and it doesn't come off with a wash, I hope with buff it will go off the bumper. I've seen a lot of cars with a little, knuckle type thing that if a car gets too close it will hit them. (This is a must in NYC) does anyone have an idea what's the name and where do I buy it?
I'd like to hear the answer for this as well. Funny story though: my rear end went out while on a tight turn in the snow and my red tow hook took ALL of the impact into the landscaping. It was a very minor incident, but it was cool that the tow hook got bent out of whack and I drove away scot-free.
I've seen the small nubby ones you're talking about but I can't remember what they're called either. (ex-upstate NY'er here but I've spent some time in the city)

These are the lowest profile ones Ive seen:


I think the bumpshox front plate ones are pretty effective. The bumper bully is great but it definitely leaves marks. There is a softer high density foam one from parking armor that doesn't hit the car as hard.

I was looking into a 4 bumper, for the back.. problem is that the license plate is up too high and it will probably only protect against SUV's or something.. :(


I was just looking at your link, and it brought to mind(I had a Jeep with a spare tyre on the rear door) what I've seen on other folks Jeeps, is the fact that if some one were to hit that tyre it's not going to stop the mounting points from being pushed into the body. So looking at your link I can see where if it is hit it would bend the plate holder and could cause a corner of that holder to puncture your trunk.(I know it's made of steel, but 4000 lbs. of car/truck ?????).
People tend to "bump" their way into tight spots. The plastic and rubber guards give enough extra protection to keep your paint from getting ruined from someone slowly feeling their way into a spot. It's crazy how they park sometimes. These don't always prevent all damage but help enough. My friend used to live in Brooklyn and has since moved out to Smith Cove but still has them on just for trips into the city.

He has this on the front of his G37 and has yet to get a parking related ding on the front. He got the massive level 3 one. It doesn't cover the corners so I think he's been lucky there.



EDIT: @Jordan Coronado - You might want to put something soft behind the bumper bully to keep it from dinging up your bumper. Velcro on a couple microfiber towels and wash/swap them out every so often.
