Yospeed October Giveaway

Yes sir! The winner has been PMed. If they don't respond by the end of this week I will select a different winner.

I will be posting up a photo of the new weekly prize later today.
True but I have a feeling he will. Suck cause I dropped a pair of needle nose plywrs on the door sill and dented it :(
he pmed them on Thursday. It's now Wed and they've not claimed it. You never know.
Also, this week is for coupes & the door sills. Last week's winner was for the battery tie down.
Sorry buddy, coupe week was last week!

I've got a special prize for the last week, though. It'll be sick!
Wednesday is the cut off every week, sorry I thought I posted that information on the first post.

Edit: Yeah. I posted the week ending for each week above the photo for each weekly prize. The last day of the month is on a Wednesday, so I thought it would be cool to end the giveaway on that day as well.
I was referring to your comment about the individual who hadn't claimed his prize. You said you'd give them to the end of the week.