Anyone here a beer advocate?


North NJ
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Fiji Blue Pearl Coupe Coolest Member Since: May 15, 2011
I'm not typically a fan of English style IPAs. That any good?

I've never had this beer actually. I'll have to give it a try.

Sam Adams is my favorite macro brewery too..... if we're only counting the traditional macros (Anheuser Bush, Millercoors, etc.) :giggle: Realistically, as a publicly traded company with as many sales as Sam Adams has, they really are like a traditional macro.
Yards was surprising. It's sweet with a malty sour bittery taste to it, but pretty balanced.

Now the IPL blew me away. It is definitely much better than Rebel. The IPL is a smooth beer.

I'd consider Sam Adams on the same level as Blue Moon, Guinness, etc. Not really Miller Coors. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Motown, WV
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Yards was surprising. It's sweet with a malty sour bittery taste to it, but pretty balanced.

Now the IPL blew me away. It is definitely much better than Rebel. The IPL is a smooth beer.

I'd consider Sam Adams on the same level as Blue Moon, Guinness, etc. Not really Miller Coors. Lol.

Well... Blue Moon is owned by Miller Coors.. sooo :giggle: I know what you meant though.

I'd put SA a pretty large step above BM though. And Guiness... they're really a one trick pony. And that one trick isn't even very good lol
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Well-Known Member
There is a new site that just launched it looks like called all things beer. Looks pretty legit


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
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It's A Fast Pig!
I've been trying to buy more of the belgians lately but there are so many regional breweries here. I'm trying to hit all of their stuff first. Bells is everywhere, Schlafly who are featured in a new TV commercial for Siemens, there are 3-4 Kentucky brew companies, New Holland and several Indiana brewers. Its almost overload of regional stuff to try.


Well-Known Member
Motown, WV
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Where do you live at now?? Do you have access to Three Floyds??? If so... I'm super jealous.

Don't know how familiar you are with Bells... But everything they put out is great.

I'm gonna go on a hunt for some sours today. Not sure how much luck I'll have though...
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Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
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It's A Fast Pig!
Yup. Alllllll those beers. Three Floyds are constantly on tap, and on special, at many restaurants around here.

Louisville KY. I moved from Upstate NY, which is why I despise Southern Tier. Their stuff was everywhere and it seemed so boring and overhyped. Plus I got a few bad ones in those 22oz weird flavored ones.


Well-Known Member
Motown, WV
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Civic Si
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Yup. Alllllll those beers. Three Floyds are constantly on tap, and on special, at many restaurants around here.

Louisville KY. I moved from Upstate NY, which is why I despise Southern Tier. Their stuff was everywhere and it seemed so boring and overhyped. Plus I got a few bad ones in those 22oz weird flavored ones.

So are you trying to trade me some Zombie Dust??? :giggle:

Ah, Louisville. Was there once, many years ago. Definitely sounds like a solid beer area.

I didn't love Southern Tier..... but they are definitely growing on me. Their new offerings have been nothing but impressive.


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
I'll bring a growler, or two, to the dragon in september if you want. Hahaha.

Ah Heavy Seas... love them.


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
I found that the Great Lakes beers were never that good, but that they always got me drunk cheaper and quicker than other stuff.


Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
New stuff and some real hits!

First up: A strange german brew I found at whole foods. The name and label stuck out so I got it.

Freigeist Bierkultur - Hoppeditz

Its listed as a dopplestick alt. It was definitely decent. A dark brown/mahogany color. It had no head and was kinda flat. I suspect long shipping times or it sat in a warehouse somewhere. The "dirt ring" on the bottle also gave it away. I do get excellent gose that has the same markings so its not always a deterrent. Id try it again if I knew it was fresher. A malty kinda sweet beer that was similar to a dopplebock but not as alcohol tasting.


Local Option - Blood ov The Kings

A brewery out of Chicago. The name and the label got me again. Nothing really special. Just another very decent.... I'd call it American Pale Ale.

Pretty cool looking label.

Next: These two are both fantastic!

Off Color Brewing - Scurry

An excellent beer! Also from Chicago. Apparently it is a regional pre-Reinheitsgebot German brown ale brewed with oats, honey, and molasses. I tasted all of these in the beer. It was really truly well made. Sweet aftertaste and I would definitely recommend you try this if you see it.

The best for last....

Ommegang - Glimmerglass (buy this buy this buy this)

Absolutely the most perfect saison I have had in years. If you really like true french/belgian saisons served at room temperature and with that grassy summer field taste this is it. I think the Saison Voisin by Brasserie des geants in Belgium is the best example of a traditional saison. However, this one from Ommegang is better. Unbelieveable. Usually every beer I see labeled as a "saison" is just another pale ale with the word stamped on the label. Glimmerglass is not. It's the real deal. Read up on saisons and how they should be. If it sounds like something you would like, get this. I drank one warm as soon as I got home and one chilled. I prefer it room temp but I think most people will like it cold from the fridge.

Hands down the best beer I have had. This overtakes Samiclaus as my top beer.

and sometimes I just get cheap and unimaginative...


If the Foo...well, you know. Just wear it.
Kirkland, WA
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Ommegang makes a lot of nice beers. Visit the brewery, might as well go around the corner and see something called the baesball hall of fame.
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Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
Yeah, Ommegang was only 2 hrs from where I used to live. Made it to the baseball hall of fame more than once. Ommegang wasn't open back then and I failed to go when I had the chance.


Well-Known Member
Motown, WV
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Civic Si
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I've never had Glimmerglass... but I'm a big fan of saisons and Ommegang in general. I'll have to try it I ever come across it. You really can't beat Ommegang when it comes to Belgian style beers... it could have something to do with being owned by Duvel Moorgat :giggle:
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If the Foo...well, you know. Just wear it.
Kirkland, WA
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Yeah, Ommegang was only 2 hrs from where I used to live. Made it to the baseball hall of fame more than once. Ommegang wasn't open back then and I failed to go when I had the chance.
I made it to the hall 4 times when lived near Albany. Never made it to Ommegang though. Did hit up a few of those upstate New York breweries.
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Jötunn Moderator
Lew-vul, KY
Body Style
It's A Fast Pig!
The "Saranac" Brewery tour is a pretty good one. F.X Matt is a pretty low end brew operation though. They definitely turn out some swill, do a lot of contract brewing. The tour however, they will try their darndest to get you so wasted you can't drive home. Well, the VIP paid tour anyway.

Short version:

Saranac Brewery : Decent beers, great tour.