Sleepy checkin in......:woot new site


Well-Known Member
Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
yeah that sucks, I will not help anyone move anymore and when wifey and I move we pay people to move for us

Yeah.. I've know my friend since I was 2 and he would do the same for me. He's my best man in my wedding (in May) so if he needs me to help then I'm there for him. For me I'd rather pay someone to move my **** but I guess he wanted to save some $$ and he bought us dinner and provided lots of beer (which I didn't drink since I'm not a beer fan and gave up everything besides water over a month ago)

I did sleep AWESOME last night!!


Well-Known Member
Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
Ahh I see, yeah i would help a good friend like that but not many other people. U are a good guy my friend.

Thanks Susan. I would help you move (or do a favor) if you lived closer. Pretty much most friends (that I talk to/see on a semi-regular basis) that would ask me a favor/in need of help I will be there for them.

I look at it like if you need my help then maybe eventually I will need your help. If I help you and then you are not there to help me when I need it (unless a very good reason) then you are not a true friend and can GTFO. lol


Well-Known Member
Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
I am the same way, but it depends on who u are to me.

Holy **** Ninja!! You are quick as ****. :omg:

Yeah I mean if I don't talk to you that often and then out of the blue you message/call me and ask me to help then I might not help (depending on the favor). It seems like they would be trying to use me if they only want something.


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Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
I am too after I get done typing a reply I turn my chair to my testing station/desk since I'm configuring a computer there now for a customer. Have to install SteadyState (Windows® SteadyState™ helps make shared computers easier to set up and maintain for administrators, and more reliable and consistent for computer users.)

Basically SteadyState allows up to lock down PC's to what we want them to be able to access/do. This PC I am working on is going to be a PC used by the public to look at their property taxes and stuff. So we only want them to be able to do that and print. Nothing else and this SteadyState application lets us do that. :)


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West Coast of Canada
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holy I wish i was more smarter when it came to computers. I will stick with simple tasks of building legos.


Well-Known Member
Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
holy I wish i was more smarter when it came to computers. I will stick with simple tasks of building legos.

Thanks for the nerd comment :bighug: :giggle:

Alot of my knowledge was just from messing with them/learning on my home PC's. Of course I went to college for this (have an degree in Computer Information Systems - only Associates tho) but my high school was called a "magnet" school and you had majors when you went there. Of course my major was dealing with computers so I had classes on fixing/repairing PCs/ect

I'm sure you can build legos WAY better than me. I never really remember building/playing with legos as a kid.. :( Damn sheltered.


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West Coast of Canada
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I for sure was not a sheltered child, I ran away from home at 17 and fled to the other side of Canada. Part of me wishes I did things differently in my life but since I can't change anything except the out come of my future I choose the smarter path instead of one that could lead me into Jail or death.


Well-Known Member
Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
I'm glad you went the smarter path!! If you didn't I would never have met (via online) you and thinking about that makes me sad :sadface:!

Damn.. It's getting all sappy in here.. Sorry about that lol but I speak my mind/feelings.


Well-Known Member
West Coast of Canada
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all is good, I dont mind sappy just not all the time. It was my wifey and my job that put me on the correct path. too be honest it was myself that figured enough was enough with the drugs and partying needed on focusing on the more important things in my life.


Well-Known Member
Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
all is good, I dont mind sappy just not all the time. It was my wifey and my job that put me on the correct path. too be honest it was myself that figured enough was enough with the drugs and partying needed on focusing on the more important things in my life.

Like us, the wifey, Jack and work! :excited: :dance:

No offense but I only picture you being sappy on special occasions. I can't explain why.. Maybe because it seems you have a tough external shell (or at least it seems to me). Like I said not that its a bad thing.


Well-Known Member
West Coast of Canada
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u seem to be one of the few that can read me well, my father raised me so he taught me to be tough, I think sometimes he over did it to be honest. I hate letting my guard down and getting burnt like I did with certain people this past year. But like I said before live and learn.


Well-Known Member
Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
u seem to be one of the few that can read me well, my father raised me so he taught me to be tough, I think sometimes he over did it to be honest. I hate letting my guard down and getting burnt like I did with certain people this past year. But like I said before live and learn.

Yeah I can typically read most people well (of course I am not perfect ;) ) but everyone raises their children different and I'm sure he believed he was doing his best. I know my parents could have raised me a bit tougher and less sheltered but they did an awesome job still IMO. Hell my mom would freak out when I got dirty as a kid.. Come on now mom.. :/ lol

See I think I am the opposite about the guard thing. I probably have my guard down all the time and if you burn me you better watch out. What do they say about the quiet people? You don't want to see them mad? (maybe that's not what they say? :shrug: )Well that's me lol You screw me you better watch out lol ^_^

But I'm an easy person to get along with. :)

I want to meet you eventually Susan! It feels like we've know each other for years. Sucks you live WAY up north lol :p

/sorry for the novel :giggle:


Well-Known Member
Baltimore, MD
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2015 Honda Accord EX-L V6
sucks u live way down south day we will meet for sure.

Not really south east.. More so North East/Mid-Atlantic. I live in Maryland.

Well I will be back. I have to go fix a printer issue. (jamming/misfeeding). I shall return :wave: