Its a younger company , and I dont know for sure if they will give a problem. Being that they are a younger company , they might have open minds when presented with good info. ie what squiggy said about different cars with different mileage. By having the SI and its good gas mileage , I might...
I based it on this.
Its the news article from USA Today where Honda V-6 engineer Yasuaki Asaki says it's good for another 10 hp and 10-plus lbs.-ft. on premium, acknowledges V-6 engineer Asaki. Maybe the guy that helped design the motor...
Thanks for all the info / advice peeps. I guess before I make a purchase i'm going to have to work this out with my employer. If I wait long enough maybe I can get a better deal on a SI :) , granted I can work something out with this new company. If not , my search for a fun to drive car will...
You do make a good point Squiggy . I guess I can speak to my soon to be employer about this issue. Maybe I can have them set a fill up limit , say 50 bucks and maybe get almost a full tank of premium instead of a full tank of regular. To be honest , most cars that require regular aren't...
The issue is that I am starting with a new company in 2 weeks and they give gas cards instead of reimbursing mileage. They only allow regular fuel to be purchased. Ive wanted an Si for a little while now so I guess I will be a guinea pig using regular. Ive always used premium fuel in all my...
Seems like im up shits creek. Every car that i am interested in recommends premium fuel , SI , wrx , focus st ect. The problem is my company now reimburses me for mileage , so I can use any grade of gas that I choose. I signed my offer letter today for my new job and they supply gas cards. I am...
Ok so my dilemma is , my company pays for my gas but they will only pay for regular gas. I'd really like to get the 2013 si sedan in tw. Ive read through this thread with mixed reviews and still unsure if regular (87 octane) will do. Ive contacted my local Honda dealership's service department...