I upgraded to a 1200W PSU and the Radeon HD 6990. Even with that top-of-the-line card, the game still maxes it out. That said, I get 120fps at Ultra settings so I have zero complaints.
It's a fanatically beautiful game that taxes the crap out of my video card. My only gripe is that there is no Commander function like there was in BF2.
Of course not. Cat poop is elegant.
I was referring to human poop, which is more massive and offensive. You guys are the ones that should be shatting in a plastic tray, but instead you're making these horrendous bikes.
Let's be realistic for a second. It would take all of one week for the feds to seize the car for lack of a certification. They'd snatch it before I could even get the damn thing registered.
A few years back, I actually looked up how much it would cost getting a Euro Civic Type-R transported to...