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  1. jasonandre

    I'm a Stupid Cat

    nws audio
  2. jasonandre

    Dead Baby Pills: China’s New Stamina Enhancer

    I bet it tastes like chicken
  3. jasonandre

    Consumer Report says....too low to be recommended

    I think these are legitimate reasons to not recommend the LX. The article linked is missing the fact that they are only rating the LX model. Now I have no idea if the upper lines have any improvements in what was mentioned above, but I do remember everyone complaining about the same issues in...
  4. jasonandre

    Jersey Shore Season 4 Italy - August 4th! *Fist Pump*

    The show is a filthy train wreck that I simply cannot stop watching.
  5. jasonandre

    Missy The Cat

    Does this guy have a website or something?
  6. jasonandre

    Missy The Cat

    I have never laughed so god damn hard in my life
  7. jasonandre

    Wrong-way driver's husband sues state, others over crash

    You should really watch the HBO Documentary about this, called "There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane". It's pretty incredible.
  8. jasonandre

    oh Obama, you so silly

  9. jasonandre

    World's fattest mother earns 6 figures eating in front of webcam

    I have no interest in watching you clog your arteries.
  10. jasonandre

    World's fattest mother earns 6 figures eating in front of webcam

    Her daughter will grow up to resent her most likely.
  11. jasonandre

    Kim Kardashian sues Old Navy over Canadian lookalike

    Update: Issue was settled out of court
  12. jasonandre

    Seriously China? Why???? (Live animals in keychains)

    And then I was like :(