9thcivic DIY Contest #4 Winner!!


Toys For Tots


Lvl: 99 Modifier
Houston, Tx
Vehicle Model
Civic Ex
Body Style
Congratulations! That's awesome :D Now what are you going to do?

Im going to Disney World!! lols.

With the prize I won, I will be experimenting mods like fiber glassing the trunk to do storage areas, and re fabricate the ceiling liner into sometime affordable but more classy. Hopefully this also inspires more 9thcivic members to post more DIYs because you might just win $250.00!!!!

I also plan to post up two new DIYs in April. One in the first week and one near the last. Thank you for everyone that supported me and continue to support me to make our amazing 9th civics even more extraordinary!!
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Well-Known Member
Corona, CA
Vehicle Model
Honda Civic SI
Body Style
Congrats bro great DIY :)
Im going to Disney World!! lols.

With the prize I won, I will be experimenting mods like fiber glassing the trunk to do storage areas, and re fabricate the ceiling liner into sometime affordable but more classy. Hopefully this also inspires more 9thcivic members to post more DIYs because you might just win $250.00!!!!

I also plan to post up two new DIYs in April. One in the first week and one near the last. Thank you for everyone that supported me and continue to support me to make our amazing 9th civics even more extraordinary!!


Im going to Disney World!! lols.

With the prize I won, I will be experimenting mods like fiber glassing the trunk to do storage areas, and re fabricate the ceiling liner into sometime affordable but more classy. Hopefully this also inspires more 9thcivic members to post more DIYs because you might just win $250.00!!!!

I also plan to post up two new DIYs in April. One in the first week and one near the last. Thank you for everyone that supported me and continue to support me to make our amazing 9th civics even more extraordinary!!

I look forward to seeing what else you bring to the table, and I'm sure others feel the same!

(I'd go to Disney World too...)


Well-Known Member
Ville de Quebec
Vehicle Model
2012 LX
Body Style
Dyno Blue Pearl Sedan (FB2)
Phew.....so happy you won....I was worried at the beginning. I didn't even mind that my DIYs didn't get that many votes because I knew mine were not in the same league as yours. BTW I will be doing your DIY very soon. I'm just curious to see your other DIY about how difficult it will be to add video options to the I mid etc. It would be cool if I could use my ipod to play videos, show photos, games etc.......while in Park obviously.
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