Apple Store is most photographed attraction in NYC


Mr Csx
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Times Square and Rockefeller Center often top the must-see list for New York City-bound tourists, but the Apple store on Fifth Avenue — with an entrance inspired by the glass pyramid outside the Louvre in Paris — is surprisingly the number one most photographed attraction in Manhattan.
Researcher Eric Fischer mapped and analyzed millions of photos on Flickrthat were taken throughout the city and looked at their geo-tagged information — such as time and date they were shot — to determine patterns of interest.
Although the sleek glass exterior of the Fifth Avenue Apple store gets the most pictures, Rockefeller Center (No. 2), Columbus Circle (No. 3) and Times Square (No. 4) were also on the list.

Fischer also looked at popular Apple stores in various other cities, such as Chicago, but the retailer didn't rank as high up on the photo attraction list as its New York flagship location.


Well-Known Member
That's the 2nd best trick they have to think that you haven't been brainwashed. The best mind#ck by Apple is their advertising department. The more expensive they make their products the more Macheads want them, pure genius.


Minister of the Boost
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New Jersey
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I'd still take my Mac over a PC any day. That store is cool btw. Been in there a few times. Its a tourist haven though.


Toys For Tots
Apple to Upgrade Fifth Avenue Store Plaza, Temporarily Remove Iconic Glass Cube
Apple has begun work on a $6.6 million project to revamp the plaza at its flagship Fifth Avenue retail store in Manhattan, home of the iconic glass cube entrance leading to the underground retail space. As part of the project, Apple will be temporarily removing the glass cube to install new pavers on the plaza.

Workers reportedly appeared on site last night and began fencing off areas around the store to begin work on the project.
Building permits issued on June 13th state the work will also include removing protective bollards, installing new pavers around the cube's perimeter, and removing and reinstalling surrounding water drains. According to the permits, the work could be finished by early November.
It is unclear whether Apple will be replacing the glass panels of the cube or making other changes to the structure, or simply temporarily removing the cube to facilitate other drainage and paver work on the plaza.

Apple's Fifth Avenue store opened in mid-2006 as the gleaming flagship of the chain, operating 24 hours a day. Despite the company having opened a number of significantly larger flagship stores around the world in the following years, the Fifth Avenue store has maintained its position as one of the busiest and most-visited stores in the company's retail chain.