Frankenstein turbo build


Well-Known Member
Cocoa, FL
Vehicle Model
Civic Si
Body Style
I hope the best for whoever is on the poop stained end of the stick. I've never been caught in such a situation like this but I've learned to CYA, Cover Your A**! Simple pics of what was packaged, how the package looked prior to shipping and such could of helped the senders case. You shouldn't have to worry like this and who's to say the sender didn't open the package after the "pics" to mess with it but the fact is; honesty is a quality to question nowadays if you don't know someone. Any form of documentation can help with your case if an issue like this occurs.

Personally (and this is me so PLEASE don't take it wrong), if I was blamed for something I didn't do I wouldn't be thinking of selling my car or anything else to "hide". Just looks bad IMO and honestly it sounds like more people on here are for Pat so I truly hope it can work out for him. I understand threats and stuff, made plenty of wrong decisions and thus "hiding" was something I did but if I did nothing wrong my balls wont let me hide.


Well-Known Member
Omaha, NE, but I am a Wisconsinite
Vehicle Model
Civic SI
Body Style
Pat, I don't know what is happening, but if you're saying the buyer is the scammer....or fedex did something, why isn't that being looked into? Why are you just eating 2400 and telling him to keep the box of stuff? It wouldn't be the first time someone has accused fedex or another shipper of opening a package. If you have proof of the buyer doing something shady, why eat 2400 dollars? Send the info to paypal and let them deal with the claim. I don't understand this at all.