8th Generation Civic General Chat

take one of the links I posted on the last page or w/e...the bit.ly or something.
I made a whole new thread in their "dragon meet" section asking about a 2014 meet and stating people in this section, 9th civic link, were planning one. Hahaha. That should get some attention.
Neg. thats the title it stuck on the link for me. LIke instead of displaying the bit.ly it is all black text what I just wrote in quotes.
Lol... got it fixed. Had to log out and back in.

I bet they're onto it by now.. how long till I get banned? Hahahahah

Am I the only one who thinks these things are like crack?
My husband goes nuts for Terry's Chocolate Oranges.
The regular chocolate, white, and toffee crunch.
We both grew up on them.
OHHH the little kiddies on 8th civic Facebook.... Guy asking what ricer mods you have removed and it's turning into a R18 bashing feast after I posted, nothing on my car....

A R18 maybe be slow in a straight line, but properly setup with the right driver will be a killer corner carver...
You can always send me PM with a link to those messages that are getting out of hand (the OP will have a permalink in the timestamp)...or even report them to admin