greatest wedding proposal?

That's too cute. Definitely gets a A+ for originality
Do you want the G rated version (the one our family heard) or the X rated version haha
To keep it clean, we were watching TMNT from the early 90s in his bed and then when it was over we were layin in bed together and he starts askin me a bunch of questions that led up to the proposal and the 2 of us crying and then shortly after his friend shows up lol
The greatest is the one that is never proposed. I'll be waiting for the other half that shows them being another statistic when they get divorced like more than half of marriages these days. The sanctity of marriage has been ruined by people who are unwilling to put forth the effort to make a marriage work past the hard times. Part of that is the "instant" society we live in today where people want to cut & run @ the first sign of trouble.
I applaud your tenure together but I'm sure it has taken work to get past some times that were unsavory. Unless you're of the lucky few who live the fairy-tale marriage.
Marriage definitely takes work from both sides. Congrats on 25 Ken. I've been with my wife since 1998, and we got married in 2004. Our first child (a boy) will arrive this July, and we are excited about starting a family.
Marriage definitely takes work from both sides. Congrats on 25 Ken. I've been with my wife since 1998, and we got married in 2004. Our first child (a boy) will arrive this July, and we are excited about starting a family.

Grats on being a parent soon. That's some life changing sh1t right there.
You got that right!!! I'm happy but still freaked out. I guess you're never really ready for kids, however, I'm 30 and not getting any younger so its time.
NOONE is ever ready but you'll be fine & I was freaking out myself over 6yrs ago.

The ironic part of it all is when my parents would say "You're growing up too fast". I now know what they were talking about since having a little one of my own. It seemed like yesterday she was brought into this world.