R18A1 Part List

On this picture you take out the metal thing, it was called a PCV or something like that, and you wont need it again. The intake comes with a vacuum hose to replace where the green parts connect to.
The coolant lines are circled in red, and once you take out the metal piece that holds it all together, you just have to get a connector (mine came with one) and join the two hoses into one continuous hose. Once you put in the connector its just like having one long hose with coolant instead of the two hoses and the metal pipe
Did mine today and theres and issue with the engine cutting out after about 3 or 4 seconds. It makes a sucking in noise and maybe its the valve? Im not sure. can anyone help? Im not sure what to do since I cant drive it to the local shop and have them check it out.
You're talking about the injen short ram? You try to start the car and it starts...but then stalls out after 3-4 seconds? MAF is completely connected?
On this picture you can see how the MAF had to reach around to the other side.
I see he mentioned this ^ but not much else....
I need to extend the MAF cables so i can flip it and acrew it in. Right now its backwards and attached by zip ties. If i could extend the MAF then i can flip it and put it in correct it would run right.
so why is yours not fitting properly if the other member claims it reaches?
So I finally got it. I just needed to angle it a different way than what I had it at. I think that it runs more poorly now with the acceleration and taking off. It seems more "boggy" kind of deep and slow to me. Its a little bit louder than stock but doesnt sound as cool as when you just do the delete resonator with the stock intake. But this is all my opinion. Maybe there is a fuse I can pull out to "reset" the way the engine drives and maybe blends more with the intake? I know that was my friends situation with his Dodge Challenger. He didn't notice any results besides noise with his intake but he pulled a fuse and put it back in to "reset" the way the engine drives. Any ideas? I guess that Honda flash tunes your engine to your mods so im definitely going to get one of those when they come out for our engine.
the ecu will adjust air/fuel etc as you drive it over time. Others have said that disconnecting the battery/reconnecting it will reset the ecu.
So I finally got it. I just needed to angle it a different way than what I had it at. I think that it runs more poorly now with the acceleration and taking off. It seems more "boggy" kind of deep and slow to me. Its a little bit louder than stock but doesnt sound as cool as when you just do the delete resonator with the stock intake. But this is all my opinion. Maybe there is a fuse I can pull out to "reset" the way the engine drives and maybe blends more with the intake? I know that was my friends situation with his Dodge Challenger. He didn't notice any results besides noise with his intake but he pulled a fuse and put it back in to "reset" the way the engine drives. Any ideas? I guess that Honda flash tunes your engine to your mods so im definitely going to get one of those when they come out for our engine.

Disconnect battery for 15 minutes, then reconnect turn car on and let it idle for 5-10 minutes. This should force the car to relearn its idle etc and balance its self out.
So I finally got it. I just needed to angle it a different way than what I had it at. I think that it runs more poorly now with the acceleration and taking off. It seems more "boggy" kind of deep and slow to me. Its a little bit louder than stock but doesnt sound as cool as when you just do the delete resonator with the stock intake. But this is all my opinion. Maybe there is a fuse I can pull out to "reset" the way the engine drives and maybe blends more with the intake? I know that was my friends situation with his Dodge Challenger. He didn't notice any results besides noise with his intake but he pulled a fuse and put it back in to "reset" the way the engine drives. Any ideas? I guess that Honda flash tunes your engine to your mods so im definitely going to get one of those when they come out for our engine.
I went back in an tightened everything 3 times over 3 weeks just to make sure everything was tight and wasnt getting loose, mines working good after over a month and everything stayed in good position since the last time I checked on everything. I'm pretty busy with school right now, but as soon as I can I wanna try and make a detailed video showing as much about the setup as I can
I have a full header back tusdo exhaust for an r18 coupe. only used for 4 months. i bought a 13 si and have no use for it. willing to part with it for 200$ OBO message me if you think you want it and i will sent some pictures