Jdm emblems...

I'd be bummed to find out that J's racing doesnt make the steering wheel emblems, because that means that Grafixpressions sells fake J's racing. I have the one from post 10.
^^ Me too, that pic is of mine & it's actually still sitting on the kitchen counter..:squirrel:

I really don't think it's a fake though and even if it is, it's still a better than the vinyl overlay IMO..
It looks nice, which only matters. Right?
I'd say it looks a LOT better than the vinyl overlay ha. And it does look pretty nice, sits flush. My only complaint is that when the light hits it it almost looks like its got cracks in it, but it's just the glare from the reflective H. Looks 100x better at night too.
So to just be clear, there is no actual type r emblem for the 2012 since they don't make a type r, correct? And then the emblems that fit the coupe are the same size for the front and back, which is the fd2's rear badge, correct? I just want to be 100% sure before I order again. Thanks.

Yeah I was thinking about ordering them from them but I was just curious. I went to ICB yesterday he had some other emblems but neither fit well and he told me he was pretty sure the fd2 rear would be perfect. So I just wanted to double check with anyone that has tried already :) if I can wait ICB will have them in stock in a few weeks.
you could ask procivic if they'd tell you, or offer the part #
Yes, the fake's often look almost identical in terms of packaging and everything. It is really hard to tell the difference sometimes. In this case it's easy because it appears J's Racing never made just a steering wheel emblem.
So to just be clear, there is no actual type r emblem for the 2012 since they don't make a type r, correct? And then the emblems that fit the coupe are the same size for the front and back, which is the fd2's rear badge, correct? I just want to be 100% sure before I order again. Thanks.

Although there is no 9th Gen Civic Type R in Japan, the emblems we sell for the 9th gen civic are genuine Honda red emblems from other Type R vehicles that they do have in Japan. We have test fit the emblems on the 9th gen civics and they fit nicely.
Although there is no 9th Gen Civic Type R in Japan, the emblems we sell for the 9th gen civic are genuine Honda red emblems from other Type R vehicles that they do have in Japan. We have test fit the emblems on the 9th gen civics and they fit nicely.
Do they fit nicely without having to cut off the pegs?
Yes you still have to break or cut off the pegs, had to do it on 8th and still have to on the 9th..
wonder why the pegs have to come off and we need some pics of cars with these installed and if somone has the steering wheel cover h put on their car post it too