Financial - Retirement - Stock Advice Thread

Did you go all in?

Oh I've had nVidia stock. My financial advisor called me back in October and wanted to check if it was okay (umm yeah of course - he's the smart one) if we moved x amount of money into the nVidia stock.
My work offers rrsp matching ( registered retirement savings plan ) so I signed up for that. Only March up to $2400 a year but like my dad says. Always take free money. Cost $93 bi weekly off my pay cheque. Currently put $1000 a month into my main rrsp. Apparently that's enough to retire at 55 but I'm skeptical.

My other investments with the money from selling our house doesn't seem to be doing well but that's mostly because I look at it every day.
How often does everyone check their holdings?

Is there a benefit to not looking every day?
Maybe once or twice per/mos. I think frequency of checking depend on the volatility of the account. Something like a stock market investment may require closer monitoring than a savings bond or an IRA.
My man must have started saving away at a young age! Seriously… good for you! Most people your age wouldn’t have that much invested.
It's just the money from the sale of our house. Eventually will be used to buy a house but investing in the meantime.
It's just the money from the sale of our house. Eventually will be used to buy a house but investing in the meantime.

Might as well get a nice return while you wait for buying a house. :thumb:

@Honda-Fan, this article says what I alluded to in the Whore thread; albeit, in a much better way:
"The biggest rule Jenkin says he emphasizes with clients is what he calls the rule of thirds. Whenever you receive a pay raise or bonus, one-third will generally go to taxes, while one-third should go to increasing your savings and investments and the remaining one-third should go to fun, he said."

There is more to the article to consider; but, that logic is a great detail buried in the bottom of the article to help you build your retirement savings account.

@Honda-Fan, this article says what I alluded to in the Whore thread; albeit, in a much better way:
"The biggest rule Jenkin says he emphasizes with clients is what he calls the rule of thirds. Whenever you receive a pay raise or bonus, one-third will generally go to taxes, while one-third should go to increasing your savings and investments and the remaining one-third should go to fun, he said."

There is more to the article to consider; but, that logic is a great detail buried in the bottom of the article to help you build your retirement savings account.

Oh, awesome :eek:
