2016 Tail Of The Dragon Meet V September 22nd-25th: Chat Thread

Pike's Peak FTW I'd love to visit but have to clear it with the wife and of course time off work.
Totally understand, no worries. Don't even need to decide that soon anyway. Just be nice to know if you (or anybody else) is interested. Then we can kick it around.

Gone tomorrow so will make one last comment tonight.

For anybody listening @bootyluvr has first dibs on this 'deal'. But should he pass on this incredible opportunity (haha) i'll open it up to anyone who's met me at The Dragon. That's because i haven't found anyone from 9th i wouldn't ride with or hang with. All good people. Some might drive too fast but i'm willing to overlook that.

If anybody's curious, read my comments so you'll already know what's in my head, generally. Yes, i over-analyze. Yes, I use too many words. ('Damnit, get to the point!!!') Anyway, let's hope my little creek of humor can compensate for my Grand Canyon of shortcomings.

Bottom line: If you can tolerate a somewhat extended happy hour, stomach a nice dinner every night and drive 5mph over the speed limit (ahem) while remaining between the lines.... you qualify. Besides the time off, you'd need maybe $100 ($200 max) for dinners/drinks/snacks/special activities of your choice. I'll cover the big stuff like hotels, gas and the airfare out.

There's absolutely no hurry to decide. Sure, it's be nice to know so we can plan and prepare... but there's plenty of time for that.
@bootyluvr Wouldn't you drive your own car home? Was thinking you'd drop your car off at Santi's... or better yet a place in GA, near the ATL airport before your flight. Let's see... who do we know in GA?
On the other hand if you didn't want to bring your own wheels, no problem. I'd fly you direct from Baltimore into either Sacramento or San Francisco. I'm fine as long as it's about $250, which it is. That's my threshold of pain. As far as the other expenses (hotels, gas) i'd be paying for those anyway.
But after we get to the Dragon you're on your own, kiddo. :bananapoke:

Actually, i could drop you off in Nashville after we're all done. Southwest has regular flights to Baltimore. Saw one last night for $108. Beats hitchhiking any day.

Certainly no problem sharing the Si either... and not just the passenger side. I have insurance and you'd have the keys. (You just have to promise not to laugh)
Come on... we'd have a blast. @death_roll said so.
And there are some closer to the airport.
I need help -- first you said you "don't know anyone in GA" then said "there are some closer to the airport". I'm confused.
Ultimately it's up to @bootyluvr and his family. That's a lot of time away. Just because it's an incredible opportunity offered free of charge; like winning a small lottery shouldn't influence him in the least.
I mean, who would want to come to California anyway? Or bomb up Pikes Peak at 12,000 feet?

Actually I should ask my wife to go. As of today she's been my best friend for 37 years. She doesn't even mind my driving... as long as she's not in the car. Here she is with an ugly dude who was pushing 250lbs at the time, 13 years ago.


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I would love to toss my name in the ring if Booty would drop out but I have already taken my week of for the year back about a month ago. Might be a small miracle to take another full week of from work.

Plus then there is a bit of a money issue do to me closing on a new place at the end of this month and toss in a tire purchase in the next month or so. Money is going to be tight for a while, lol.
I would love to toss my name in the ring if Booty would drop out but I have already taken my week of for the year back about a month ago. Might be a small miracle to take another full week of from work.

Plus then there is a bit of a money issue do to me closing on a new place at the end of this month and toss in a tire purchase in the next month or so. Money is going to be tight for a while, lol.
Tell ya what, Santi..... next year it's you and i. That we can make happen.
Oh F-me I get it now. You need a co-driver for the way to the Dragon.

Yea, whoever goes should fly out of ATL or Knoxville. Either is on the way back towards the Dragon and they could pick up their car.