Anyone Here "Refresh" or Restore Their Rims?

Here's an update. It was in the 50s today, so I pulled these rims out of the shed and went to work. I had decided to do the worst one first, so it was already ground down and the rash filled. Today I sanded, filled little nicks with this:

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Meant to do this all as one post, but anyway, this is what the worst rim looked like before:

Rim 4.JPG

After adding filler:

With Filler.jpg

After primer:

With Primer.jpg

After one coat of spray Blade Silver metallic:


One other wheel was fairly bad and needed filler. The other two I just filled with touchup paint then sanded down. I steel-wooled the entire wheels and tack-ragged, now they all have coat one of finish color. What do you think so far?

Here's a bigger pic:

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webby and PainSoFamiliar - Thanks. I'm ahead of where I thought I'd be with about 8hrs invested.
Had to touch up one:

Fixing Worst One.jpg

All 4 With basecoat.jpg

All 4 Basecoat.jpg

I really like the way this Sherwin Williams automotive spray works. Now I have to clearcoat them. Clearcoat adds a lot of depth to the flake. There's a ton of flake in this color.
webby or anyone else who may know:

I tried to find simple 2 3/4 inch "H" centercaps, but my dealership only had '06 Si caps for $41 each. There must be a slew of Hondas with a 2 3/4 cap. I know the '12 Si does, but the caps are metal and shiny. Any ideas?
They look pretty decent! Now to get the tires on without messing up the finish... all the ones I have done in the past I have cleaned the beads and used armor-all or WD40 as lube and managed to stretch them on by hand. Obviously it's going to be pretty near impossible with low profile tires.
They look pretty decent! Now to get the tires on without messing up the finish... all the ones I have done in the past I have cleaned the beads and used armor-all or WD40 as lube and managed to stretch them on by hand. Obviously it's going to be pretty near impossible with low profile tires.

Thanks. I'm going to have a shop transfer the tires and tpms sensors, mount, balance. Dealer wants $99 to do all 4 wheels. I haven't investigated that price yet. Here's something interesting. I have road hazard on the oem wheels and tires. I took the car to the dealer to fix rash on one wheel and told them that I wanted to do it before I switched out the rims so there'd be no questions about it if I brought the oem rim in by itself. They said that my warranty will cover the 5 stars too, once I have them on. If I ding them or something, they fix it. Not bad.
Just do a spray job on the centers. You can pickup a set of "h" stickers for like 6 dollars or so. Grafixpressions should have them, or endless ebay shops. If you have the sizing on them, I could probably cut you a set as well.
yes, I have a cutter... I'd just have to know the size of the "H" needed and it could be cut.