BMW M3 Track Car

Not to thread jack, but I thought this car was super smexy looking. It's a shame that: A. It didn't have an LS under the hood, and B. He couldn't keep it running.

He also suffered from a case of "Gingeritis" because I only saw him on track earlier in the morning. :giggle:

That porsche with the huge turbo in the back sounded glorious (in the instructor group), it also continued to sound glorious all the way through passing it. LOL


I snapped a pic of him at the end of the day after he pulled into the garage and set up a big desk fan to cool the turbo down. :D
did robert get a new helmet? It looks like the passenger has the helmet I'm used to seeing him wear
My Arai GP5 snell rating expired EOY '10. I've had the Stilo ST4F since 2011, and it's been my avatar for a long time on here, lol.
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I recall you picked up a new helmet then... it just looks dark in the pics. I couldn't tell if you have a new one on.
It was. Would have like to share a vid, especially of going through the uphill esses..
Entering at 125mph, leaving at over 130mph.. no lift.

I tested a new front ARB this weekend.. 33.4mm tubular. Felt great.

Casualty: My clutch is done-zo. Squeals when slipping in 1st to move from a stop, and have to double clutch to upshift. JUST made it home.

The uphill esses were also where my Green (novice) student decided to take me sliding backwards through the grass at 100mph. Luckily we hit nothing.
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I need to get into this, unfortunately the WRX is not track worthy, and I don't wanna spend the money to make it so, not on a new car with a warranty.

The more I see this, the more I want to buy a truck (DD), a trailer, and start a track car project, NJMP is only 45 minutes away from me.
The WRX would be fine with race pads and fluid. People take worse out.

My intermediate student had a 2011 BMW 550i - I promoted him to solo after day 1, put him in the more advanced group and he was showing up 150k porsches left and right. It's not about the car.
The WRX would be fine with race pads and fluid. People take worse out.

My intermediate student had a 2011 BMW 550i - I promoted him to solo after day 1, put him in the more advanced group and he was showing up 150k porsches left and right. It's not about the car.

Engine no like WOT for extensive, repeated times, esp in 4th gear.

A BMW V8 is a far different (and more advanced) engine than the hunk of **** under the hood of my car. It can barely take being ragged on during street use.

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Are the buildings new next to the esses? I don't remember seeing those when I was out there.