BMW M3 Track Car

Well I took two days to read all 43 pages. I gotta say I'm quite impressed. They had a beautiful M3 at the skunk2 factory only it was orange. Maybe it had this "gingeritis" everyone was talking about. I've raced a lot. I'd love to go for a tire lifting spin in that beast!

Phase one of a LONG summer project began today.

I know you said your clutch went out, but this seems unrelated ....
webz- Negative
nix- Feels like it
She's fine with whatever I do with the car, especially when it costs little to nothing. I told her the engine was coming out and I was debating about headgasket and a couple of other things and she goes"oooo giant lego!"
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Feels like it
She's fine with whatever I do with the car, especially when it costs little to nothing. I told her the engine was coming out and I was debating about headgasket and a couple of other things and she goes"oooo giant lego!"

That's good. It's just your time to pull out her heart.