BMW M3 Track Car

Yeah it's at my mums.

Pulled it on my own. Some help would have been nice but none was available apparently. Quite an experience. Getting the engine out was relatively easy. Getting the transmission off and then putting the block onto the engine stand was fairly challenging and frustrating for my first time.

Inchy Pinchy

Nearly there

Upskirt noodz

Time to get the gearbox off

There she is.
I don't know. Still trying to figure that out.

Clutch was done-zo; as predicted. Oil sludge in bellhousing too.. no bueno.
can't imagine that being fun with 1 person. Tipping it and pulling at the same time would probably be beneficial with 2 sets of hands/eyes.
They should glue it back on.
Updates? What sort of shape is the car in? Back together or.... about to become a side-of-the-house-with-blue-tarp-decoration?

Oh that... it's my race car... once I get it finished...I just pulled the engine...
