Hello: Could you please advise what bulbs are popular to use for Fog Light? Thank you!
May 5, 2012 #1 P philly777 Well-Known Member 9 0 Hello: Could you please advise what bulbs are popular to use for Fog Light? Thank you!
May 5, 2012 Staff #2 webby Administrator Admin Toys For Tots 56,249 24,033 http://9thcivic.com/forum/threads/2012-civic-si-sedan-fog-light-diy-updated-easy-method.4198/ http://9thcivic.com/forum/threads/2012-civic-foglight-overlays-template-included.3657/ a lot of people have the yellow overlays as seen in either of those threads ^^
http://9thcivic.com/forum/threads/2012-civic-si-sedan-fog-light-diy-updated-easy-method.4198/ http://9thcivic.com/forum/threads/2012-civic-foglight-overlays-template-included.3657/ a lot of people have the yellow overlays as seen in either of those threads ^^
May 5, 2012 Thread starter #3 P philly777 Well-Known Member 9 0 Thank you very much! Interesting ....