Console tray pad


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One thing I noticed right off is the handy little console tray in front of the shift is useless in practice. It's made from some sort of extra slippery plastic and anything you put in there like a cell phone or sunglasses constantly slides around. Then I remembered this beige foamy weave shelf liner material I used in my kitchen and wondered if it is made in black. Went to home depot and yes they have it in black. A roll with enough to make probably 50 of these was $5. I cut it to shape and it works great. Below is a shot of the pad and what it looks like laid in the tray. It's grippy enough, so no need to attempt gluing to the tray was needed and it solved this problem.

Nice! people did this on the 8ths too....
Great idea, I was racking my brain trying to find something to do that.

I have even heard of that stuff for back seats of MC's to keep passengers from sliding forward, and still didn't think of the tray.....THX
nice work, what is this product called?
I just went down to HD and bought a roll, it's called "Garage Liner".........Ask a clerk for drawer/shelf liners(don't confuse them with car stuff.
yes it was in the kitchen cabinet area and I asked for self/drawer liner for kitchen cabinets and they took me right to it.
I've never thought of this...
With the left over roll, let's start thinking of other uses for it........
Under slippery throw mats on wood/tile floors ?
^^ home improvement stores sell HUGE rolls of that stuff for exactly that purpose
One thing I noticed right off is the handy little console tray in front of the shift is useless in practice. It's made from some sort of extra slippery plastic and anything you put in there like a cell phone or sunglasses constantly slides around. Then I remembered this beige foamy weave shelf liner material I used in my kitchen and wondered if it is made in black. Went to home depot and yes they have it in black. A roll with enough to make probably 50 of these was $5. I cut it to shape and it works great. Below is a shot of the pad and what it looks like laid in the tray. It's grippy enough, so no need to attempt gluing to the tray was needed and it solved this problem.

View attachment 3215
View attachment 3216

How exactly did you cut it too shape so perfectly, did you trace it or what? Looks good and thought about doing this awhile back, now I need to get it done!
How exactly did you cut it too shape so perfectly, did you trace it or what? Looks good and thought about doing this awhile back, now I need to get it done!
I made one for my tray, and made a cup-holder mat as well and did the cups in one piece(lots of time on my hands).

The way I did them was to cut a piece that was bigger than the tray and cut it down a little at a time. There are two sides that are straight (the right and back) I cut those sides 1st following the line in the material(actually cutting one block in half at a time). The left and top sides are angled so cut those a little at a time till it fits...... then just cut a small curve on each corner. It'll work/lie better if it's cut just a smidge smaller than the tray bottom. As for the cup holders, "Patients"
I like the whole idea and the cup holder is a good idea also. I have some extra keys in one of my cup holders and they slide around which drives me crazy. I was trying to think of what I could put in the cup holder to contain the I know what.
I like the whole idea and the cup holder is a good idea also. I have some extra keys in one of my cup holders and they slide around which drives me crazy. I was trying to think of what I could put in the cup holder to contain the I know what.
Well since you want to tackle the cup holder, I also made a little pad for the little scupped tray in the drivers door, I keep change in that one and it cut down the sliding in that as well..... Good luck.
^ *what he said* Cut to rough shape and trim down a little at a time till it fits. Honestly I did mine in probably 5 minutes. The holes in the material help guide you and perfection isn't required for it to look nice. Remember too you have enough material to make 50 of these so if you screw up the first one, it's no big deal.