Crazy Car Accidents

I use to sit at a street that all ways get flooded in heavy rain and watch all the stupid people thinking their car could go though a wall of water, great fun watching people bail out of their cars as it floated away LOL.:bananasplit: or just out my window in a snow storm always entertaining watching speeding cars slid into the ditch -get out the pop corn and candy.:bunny:
man that guy had to be freaking flying for that kind of damage
The article said the battery was launched over a block away I am curious to how fast he was going. But this guys is lucky to have gotten away with some minor injuries after being ejected from the car.
prob helped he was drunk, so his body was prob limp like a rag doll.
:haybunny:Maine is King of stupid accidents according to insurance Company's seems like poor Maine is all ways not getting and respect and anything, we also kicked out that Bum Lapage the Govener last in place too.:badger: Its Sunny today first time in a week, time to bring out the VFR 800 and hit 11750 rpm how's that for vtec LOL :vtec:
These aren't accidents but just wanted to share my experiences over the last couple weeks. What would your reaction have been, slam on the brakes like I did or hit them? I have to say the thought went through my head to take them out but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Sorry there's no sound, I keep it muted all the time.

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These aren't accidents but just wanted to share my experiences over the last couple weeks. What would your reaction have been, slam on the brakes like I did or hit them? I have to say the thought went through my head to take them out but just couldn't bring myself to do it. Sorry there's no sound, I keep it muted all the time.

Looks like people driving around me. I want to get an action cam to show how bad people drive around me.
The second video that happened today, I could see coming. Guess I wasn't seen behind the other car turning until it was too late. It just amazes me how oblivious people are while driving. Like they are in their own little world and no one else matters
tell me you just held the horn down for like 2 minutes straight when those both happened?
tell me you just held the horn down for like 2 minutes straight when those both happened?
You know what is crazy? I was on a larger freeway in the far left 3rd lane(not including the 2 merge lane)and a lady on a cell phone cut the sold white line merging onto the highway and cut straight in front of me never looked once. I had to move around her onto the shoulder to miss her (due to a car to the right of me) but an unmarked cop behind me pulled me due to an excessive use of my horn. I got off with a warning though. He said I should have hit her instead of avoiding the accident and because I did a hard acceleration(and I was laying on me horn at her)to get back into my lane he pulled me he called it improper use of HP lol and said I was distracting other drivers.
Yeah I saw that.. He must have been hauling!! :/
That's the same car you have, well good to know it did held up well in a very fast crash. When you go on the dragon, your engine might be flying though the trees without the rest of the car. I wonder how a Honda would do, I would guess quite well due to the many air bags and extras 50 pds of steel on the 2013 model , also the windsheid is extra thick too. Oh that's my sicks car LOL! That's makes me think of the 6 mailbox's run over last year that were minding their own business last year. put up three swinging mail boxes around $350 each and then they got run over again a month later. $2,000 worth of mail box's. All were replaced by insurance but still you have to fill all those forms out what a hassle. But in the end I got a very nice white Steel swinging mailbox for nothing, the old one was a rusty piece of junk LOL.
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You know what is crazy? I was on a larger freeway in the far left 3rd lane(not including the 2 merge lane)and a lady on a cell phone cut the sold white line merging onto the highway and cut straight in front of me never looked once. I had to move around her onto the shoulder to miss her (due to a car to the right of me) but an unmarked cop behind me pulled me due to an excessive use of my horn. I got off with a warning though. He said I should have hit her instead of avoiding the accident and because I did a hard acceleration(and I was laying on me horn at her)to get back into my lane he pulled me he called it improper use of HP lol and said I was distracting other drivers.
Oh and if you hit her, she would have claimed it was your fault!:lildevil:
Not sure where to post this but just saw it on Facebook. :eek:
