Crazy Car Accidents

Another peep that doesn't watch/react to what's going on down the road............ We could see the hazard lights even before getting on the hi-way, and they didn't even start backing off till they were more than half way there.
Very well said! I wanted to say the same thing :) Always look in the distance, if not for safety at least to see the speed traps ;)
He was going back to turning the steering wheel. :confused:
Yeah. I saw that a while back. The driver claimed that a pelican flew in front of him and caused him to drive to the lake..
How was he able to get up?
He was damn lucky his monstrous backpack didn't hit the wall first.
Wow this thread is crazy... Ok I have to say it. Those crazy assholes in Saudi Arabia or wherever kinda got what they had coming.. I hate that they just do that around other innocent drivers with no concern.. Makes me wonder how many people get hurt because these idiots have to do that in public.. These other videos are just sad though.