Dead Pedal/Cupholder Billet Insert Cover REQUEST

Alright guys, our final test fit went smoothly. I'm working on answering all the e-mails right now so I'll try to get all the design requests I've received processed today if I can.

If you want to request a custom cup holder cover, just shoot me an e-mail:

Otherwise, I'll be adding the regular designs to the website later tomorrow after I've confirmed all the custom orders.
That's a lot of towhooks. lol.

I've been meaning to finish up the new batch of tow hooks but the sub plate broke and now I need to machine a new one :( huge pain in the ***. I still need to figure out which new colors I'm going to do! I was thinking teal or blue and maybe an orange or gold.

How does it attach

It bolts in through the back via blind threaded holes. That way there aren't any bolts sticking out on the face.