First Door Dent....

mine happened at school,, new highschool this year. found out who did it, (of course a dent that small is nothing to them) Didnt wanna start out with a bad rep so i just let it go.. people are just so careless. Some kid was leaning on my car and i just politely asked him not to and he went off about how not everybody has $20,000+ cars. (coming from a senior with no job and failing grades) So a lot of it is jealousy too. I think some people think you're trying to be better than everyone else by parking far away, so they park right next to you on purpose.. Congrats on the fix man. Ill have to look into that when i get her out of storage.
I always had really nice cars in HS because I worked my *** off at a decent job. Caught a lot of flack from different people on occassion. "Oh, it must be nice to have rich parents." I'd tell them my parents had nothing to do with it, but they didn't want to listen.

Fortunately there were a few of us in that same boat, although most of their parents actually did give them theirs. :giggle:
Or the fact that its a sports car... i gaurantee all the 4 door pick up trucks, and brand new accords and suv's that other kids drive cost more. but nooo lets go for the innocent civic