For those people who put Mugen Badges on Fake Spoilers

I don't mean to offend, but I am having trouble following your logic. You are okay to put a fake Mugen wing on your car, but you are not okay if someone put a Mugen badge on the fake Mugen wing. ? Whether it has a badge on it or not, it's still fake and is passing itself off as something that it's not.

I think hes saying hes fine with people putting whatever they want on their cars as long as they dont brag about it being something its not.

^ Pauly, what xXCiviXx said is exactly what I meant. I'm sorry if I took offense when I shouldn't have. I like fake stuff, it's cheaper. What I don't like is when people try to say something that's fake is the real thing. For example when a guy at a recent car meet tried to tell me that his car, a Civic EX with a Si badge on it, was actually a Civic Si, while I'm standing about 3 cars down from my real Si. Things like that speak more for what I don't like in a person rather than the real/fake product.

I agree because like the earlier posts with the "Ferrari" and "Elantra GTR" those badges are claiming the car is something its not. Whereas a wing or red "H" badge is more about style than defining a cars sub-model

^ This I agree with

What about the people that have cf vinyl wrap on their trunk or hood?

Perfectly fine as long as you don't try to tell people it's an actual carbon fiber hood or trunk. Not only is that a lie, it's insulting IMO.
Michal006, I love your avatar. I grew up with that show :)

Stealing someone's hard work? If that is indeed the case, litigation should ensue. So when you put a decepticon sticker on your car it better damn well transform into a decepticon or you're "misrepresenting crap.":D

Oh man, good thing mine transforms into a decepticon then! Could you imagine how embarrassing would that be if it didnt!?! Hahaha :D