Has anyone purchased the invidia N1?

i have the invidia n1. fitment is A++ and sound is very deep. no rasp at all. plus the titanium tip is beautiful. only thing i dont like is a high amount of cabin drone
Per previous Invidia N1 reviews, I've read the cabin drone subsides over time. Have you noticed this at all?
That's good news. Not that the cabin drone remaining would've swayed me. I love the burnt-tip and the scream. Never purchased an exhaust before and can't wait for this. Thanks for confirming!
^^ That's on an 8th gen k20 engine, not the k24.
The Alpha header for the 06-11 Si has a 70mm (~2.76") outlet. The Alpha downpipe for the 2012+ has a 3" outlet.
I'll let you know what a magna flow sounds like real soon,hopefully Friday or no later that Saturday.
So the first time I ever heard of this exhaust was maybe about a couple months ago when I stumbled across it on ebay. Has anyone tried this exhaust out yet or know anything about this exhaust? I have owned my 2012 si sedan for about a year now and I think its time to start messing around with the car. Definitely need some feedback on what exhaust would be great for street performance wise. I have also heard that the Tsudo was pretty good. Thanks again!
So the first time I ever heard of this exhaust was maybe about a couple months ago when I stumbled across it on ebay. Has anyone tried this exhaust out yet or know anything about this exhaust? I have owned my 2012 si sedan for about a year now and I think its time to start messing around with the car. Definitely need some feedback on what exhaust would be great for street performance wise. I have also heard that the Tsudo was pretty good. Thanks again!

Merged your thread with another that has asked about the exhaust.