How many pillows do you sleep with?

How many pillows do you sleep with?

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Haha! Jk Jk and she's 19 months right now:) so if I can't count them or their pillows I'd say 2-3 cause one for my legs and sometimes 2 for under my head because I need to buy some pillows because their getting kind of thin rofl

awww cute
almost time to move her out or she'll never get a sibling :rotfl:
hey, when they're new they're too big to sleep on more than one, as they get worn in they get so thin you have to start doubling up

Memory foam pillows fix that....and keep cool.
I am a free faller but with one leg up at an angle and head turned to the side.
Take note of the pillow ads at the top, might look though some to see if there's the better one ................. I took two of my long pillows and opened the ends and added one into the other.... that motha's not thin any more.
Take note of the pillow ads at the top, might look though some to see if there's the better one ................. I took two of my long pillows and opened the ends and added one into the other.... that motha's not thin any more.

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yeah negative. I can't sleep on my stomach either. I don't know how people do it. My neck would be in pain in no time.
Websters pillow....
