Joe's Super Clean R18 Build Thread - March '14 & 15' ROTM Winner

GSP camber arms finally came through..these are way bigger than i expected lol will probably have them on by the end of next week.

Lmao I hear ya. Prior to installing my camber arms I never had experience with them, I wasn't expecting the size. Be sure to see my bushing reinforcement for the GodSpeed camber arms:

@Dar-Dar also has a thread you can refer to:
:yeahthat: Be sure you get the washers before installing please! They are on the cheap side so your wallet won't be in pain.
doing work with some of the homies of #bayareacivics
rear camber kit, front camber bolts, and strutking pedals. re-alignment this weekend.

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had an alignment done earlier this week. also welded back on the resonator and went with a temporary muffler delete because i heard it on another r18 and it sounded aggressive af. forget an aftermarket cat-back, muffler delete all the way :D

some quick shots and a couple exhaust clips with the new camera i just bought on black friday :D
also using flickr now instead of photobucket so no more of those crappy low res photos




warm start, light takeoff.

blipping the throttle, mixed revs.

sorry for the background noise, these clips were filmed right off the highway.
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fyi i've noticed that people can't quite hear the exhuast note in the videos above on crappy laptop speakers so you're going to want to plug in some headphones or speakers with some bass

@bootyluvr here's something for you too ;)

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here goes my rant..

so i've been ticket free since November 2011 and today as i was driving down CA-1 towards Gilroy, a CHP officer pulls me over for speeding :banghead: i was passing a car on the carpool lane going roughly 80-83mph when i saw this cop about a quarter mile in front of me. he was parked perpendicular to the road and i immediately broke to 60 before driving pass him. Next thing you know it he tails me and pulls me over at the next exit.

Now i have a radar detector hardwired in my car. A Passport 8500 x50 to be exact that can detect all radar bands as well as laser. For the pass couple years this thing has saved my butt from a couple tickets so i was confused why it didn't go off when i saw this cop. As this officer walks up to my window he tells me that i was going "86 in a 65", just 1mph shy between a 1-15mph ticket and a 16-25, a $200 difference! i've come to realize that CHP do this quite often to juice you for a bigger fine. Anyways, he takes a glance at my radar detector and then goes and tells me "by the way, i used a LiDar", he even wrote that down on the ticket.

i'm calling BS on this officer. He must of thought i had one of those cheap radar detectors that can't pick up laser or something. He clearly did not get any accurate hit on my speed. Even if he had used a regular radar (standard issue mounted on his dash) he wouldn't have caught me speeding because i drove pass him going 60. He must of known this too so he tried to be a smartass by saying he used a LiDar. Even when i first saw him, he was just chilling in his car with the windows up, nothing pointing towards oncoming traffic. I'll bet he just saw a modded looking high revving car and just decided to pulled it over. WTF right? my radar detector never even went off! on my way back from Gilroy i saw two more CHP (maybe the same one) around the same area i was pulled over earlier and my detector was able to warn me(KA band) about those before i saw them..

Thinking about going to court to contest this ticket. Thing about Cali is ticket processing takes forever so it'll probably be 3months or so until i get it in the mail, along with the court date:coffee: What do you think guys? Hopefully he doesn't show at the hearing and they'll waive it.

P.S. this isn't the first time this has happened to me. I ran into a similar situation in San Jose about a year ago. pulled over for going 45 after i gunned it at a stoplight. no radar detected, plus i told him this was a actually a 45 zone and he let me off :D Police officers nowadays are so damn lazy, pulling over people for speeding without getting actual radar readings..
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You could try, but I don't think you have much of a chance winning. You have to prove that you weren't speeding.
i know but i just feel that the officer doesn't have legitimate evidence that i was speeding either
Judge is going to side with the officer. Having a radar detector basically suggests that you like to speed. Saying that your detector didn't go off isn't going to sway a judge in your favor (in my opinion). He could totally be lying about your actual speed etc, but you have no way of proving it. It sucks, but that's the reality of court. Without proof, a judge is likely to side with law enforcement.
i never had any intentions of using my radar detector as evidence. i am however going to request for lidar calibration records and maybe find something against him. i really have no case to fight as or right now but hopefully the officer won't bother showing up.