Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

f- this. Governor just locked us up for another month. Seriously, two months ago when he locked us down (Seattle has been under a lockdown since March 6), it made sense because we had “a lot” of cases and a nursing home was losing people daily. But the area has low numbers of new cases and a handful or less deaths but he decided to lock down until at least June.

He should keep the at risk population recommended to stay gone but start opening things up and see how many cases occur. The point of flattening the curve was to buy time and not overload the system, not to stifle the population until kingdom come. He basically said we’ll be in some form of lockdown until there’s a vaccine. Hey *******, what if that never happens?
San diego is starting to open up, saying that we will be opening restaurants and what not by next weekend. Escondido opened up the golf courses, ranges, stuff like that today. Cities here are defying what the governor is saying and so are the people. How they can think keeping a state close until june won't have devastating effects is beyond me.

Me thinks a more utilitarian aspect of things will start brewing among the people.
Bars opened last night at midnight. Restaurants and crap opened today. Groups of 20 are now allowed. Let’s see how this goes in the next few weeks.
Man I saw the clean 318 today. I’ll post a pic. Ur they always come out sideways. If any mod wants to edit it and make it straight... this thing was clean!!!!

opening everything up will just cause another wave of infections which could be worse than the first.

my province is opening things like coin op car washes, landscaping/lawn care, nurseries/garden centers, auto dealers appointment only, and a couple other things. more than half this list has been open this whole time. i got mulch last weekend lol. always see people washing their cars and ive been seeing landscaping trucks everywhere in my town. i see people in the sales part of my dealer everytime im there.

finally got the siding for my shed delivered. cant wait to see how much i screw this up.
Washington is opening that up too but most of that has been open all along too. It’s giving us crumbs to keep us satisfied.

Fauchi and WHO said we’re gonna be dealing with this until 2/3 of people have immunity. We have to open up quickly or there will be nothing to open back up to. Businesses are already shutting down because leases needed to be renewed or they can no longer afford holding costs. California expects 30-40% of some business sectors to disappear permanently.
Yep. People want to go back to work but sorry. No more jobs to go back to.

open it up now.

lot to do today. Car washing oil changes. Have to maintain the fleet.
Got a lot of siding done. Half way through I realised I didn't order enough siding.
agreed,.. that's looking nice. And do I spot a hot tub in the corner there? :pimp:
Yeah. Wife wanted that. It's a great way to spend over $10 000. I had to dig a 2 foot deep over 100 foot long trench to bury the cable for that thing. 99% of that is clay too.

I lost over 5 pounds digging that trench.

I just remember flashpro has no lift shift. Wonder if that's enabled on my tune?