Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

This is for @webby, and he knows why.

Evening :wave:

Busy Saturday.

Supposed to be relaxing Sunday but ran errands, did laundry, vacuumed the house, my sister/niece stopped by so we went on over a 2.5 mile walk with them. My neighborhood/community has been painting rocks and putting them around the neighborhood. My niece loves looking for the rocks and moving them to different spots.

Now time for another load of laundry and checking my forums :)
Ordered pads and rotors for my moms ride today. I went to use it and I was shocked how bad the brakes are. Next Saturday will be install day.
Morning :wave:

Ordered pads and rotors for my moms ride today. I went to use it and I was shocked how bad the brakes are. Next Saturday will be install day.

She's never said anything about them being bad?
She said they “might” need to be changed. The rears are metal to metal. Shes been working from home so I guess it hasn’t been a huge issue for her. Lol.
She said they “might” need to be changed. The rears are metal to metal. Shes been working from home so I guess it hasn’t been a huge issue for her. Lol.

My mom was going to visit my sister last year and heard this "helicopter" noise that she thought was flying overhead while she was driving on the highway.. Nope! It was a flat tire. :eek: :bananapop: :confused: :oops:
Did she think the helicopter was also making her steering wheel violently shake
That’s a powerful helicopter.

my mom always tells me she doesn’t want to bug me to do work on her car. Pisses me off. I do all the work on her cars because I usually inherit them when she’s done with them. Haha.
Did she think the helicopter was also making her steering wheel violently shake

She said it wasn't shaking violently.... Fortunately she pulled over and then my dad had to go out and change the tire.

That’s a powerful helicopter.

my mom always tells me she doesn’t want to bug me to do work on her car. Pisses me off. I do all the work on her cars because I usually inherit them when she’s done with them. Haha.

Very powerful with the windows up and everything..
Quiet up in here lately... Where's everyone at? People back to work now and not at home? :confused:
i worked yesterday. have today off and back again tomorrow. i might actually make more than my guarantee this week.
Yes-- well, sort of.

The inconsistency of being at home and then at work is pretty tiring.

On the upside, I ordered a new projector.

Fortunately I've always been at work. I know some co-workers are doing M. W. F. at home then Tues/Thurs at work.

What projector? I don't have a space for it at home.

i worked yesterday. have today off and back again tomorrow. i might actually make more than my guarantee this week.

Damn that would get old quick.

Work. Off. Work. Off. :oops:

check out this youtube channel. their out of canada near me. been watching them for about 2 years now but have been doing it longer. some pretty cool builds.


Yeah I've watched their videos before. I think I'm subscribed to Speed Academy or they are always in my "Recommended" videos lol
Nice :thumbsup:

Whoa. I thought Canada was giving you a decent amount of money to help?

yeah, thats only for people that arent working because of this. im working so i dont get it. my wife gets its. were not hurting because of my reduction in pay but i want car parts and this makes it harder to buy car parts.