Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Good Mor--
Afternoo-- still no
Even--- not quite.
...G-good Night??
I've literally slept all day. What have I become in such a short time away from work and work related responsibilities!?

So you just have nothing to do so you choose to nap/sleep all day?
No anime? No ramen? No video games? No YouTube?
I set up some cameras for a friend in between one nap session, then it was right back to sleep. Today I'm doing anime and working on some designs. Monday? Who knows!
It’s an optiplex....what else needs to be said?
I'm still using an Optiplex 790 as my Win7 test box at work. It's about 6 years old. I upgraded the RAM to 16GB but it still has the original 250GB Western Digital HDD.
I don’t think I’ve ever had to work on an optiplex
That's what we had/have at work for years. Still have some in circulation.
Have I ever mentioned how right Nomar is about Optiplex? Because he is totally 1-thousand percent right.
Booty's not the average consumer/user so he can keep his Optiplex alive. :party:

So the breakdown on Optiplex is that they're actually solid machines when they work, but since their product line is marketed for enterprise level situations, they're *super* high-volume produced. Because of that, we get some laughably bad setups from the factory that we have to either fix or immediately return. Such great hits as--

-Memory being in neighboring slots instead of skipping one so that they're in the correct channel with one another.
-Power supplies not being connected
-Screws rolling around in cases
-Fans being loose flopping around in the case

And my favorite --

Finding a (new, therefore empty) wallet and napkin inside of one, after presumably someone got mad.

Aside from that, general Blue Screen nuttery and faulty parts all over the place. Keeps my job interesting, I'll admit.
Morning all!

Thinking about changing my trans fluid.. anyone ever use any Motul products yet? Is it best to stay with OEM fluids?
You can buy them on Amazon.. but they identify as something different everyday so they are hard to find