Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Okay? Just so you know, you’ve posted basically the same info in like 4 times in various threads (if you’re wanting them removed?)
No I don't care just messing with ya.

I don't care if @Dad knows I work for the local government.
Morning :wave:

Where y'all at? Been up since 0515 without an alarm on.

@Nomar06 - I like cool cars just don't want/need to own one myself.

@webby - all lies!
Long day to get home. Woke up at 4:30 to make it to the ferry for 6:15. Once in Vancouver have a 4 hour wait till the plane leaves. 5 hour flight through 3 time zones to get to Toronto. Then a 3 hour drive from the air port.