Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

W-wait a minute

H-how much are you guys making

I mean, you know... If you're comfy sharing :eek:

Starting to think I should give it all up and live somewhere else lmao
average rent for a 1br is 1700? my mortgage for a 3br 1bath in a philly suburb is 1800...
W-wait a minute

H-how much are you guys making

I mean, you know... If you're comfy sharing :eek:

Starting to think I should give it all up and live somewhere else lmao
depends on your background, but id bet there are better places for you to take your skills
W-wait a minute

H-how much are you guys making

I mean, you know... If you're comfy sharing :eek:

Starting to think I should give it all up and live somewhere else lmao

Besides the Dell's do you enjoy what you do?
It's not always about the money. I know I'm the minority and I understand you need money to survive but it's not always about that.

I'd rather be making $60k and enjoy my job (of course able to pay bills) over $80k and hate my job and be miserable.

But that's just me.

Also you have to take into consideration that Foo, Stiletto, Janzen, Nomar and myself (maybe some others too) have a significant other (IE: dual incomes).
depends on your background, but id bet there are better places for you to take your skills
My new co-worker (different team) that I was working with today moved from the Dallas area about 9-10 years ago to Maryland. His dad works for the DoD and told him that he could find more jobs up in the DMV area. He worked for the county school system for 9 years before applying for the county government a few months ago. Not sure why he switched from county school system to local government. Maybe better pay?

He said he tried to apply for local government/school system in Dallas but there was never openings or hard to get an interview.
I’m fortunate to work for a VERY busy company that pays good hourly plus bonuses. It’s not easy, and I definitely feel it after almost sixteen years, but it’s consistent. The Wife and I don’t share funds. She just recently took over the utility bills. There’s a fairly large difference in our incomes so she handles most of our daughter’s costs while I take care of everything else. It’s unconventional but works. We live fairly comfortably but inflation has taken its toll.
The Wife and I don’t share funds. She just recently took over the utility bills. There’s a fairly large difference in our incomes so she handles most of our daughter’s costs while I take care of everything else. It’s unconventional but works. We live fairly comfortably but inflation has taken its toll.
So you have separate bank accounts and split up the bills/daughter costs.
My wife makes less than me. I'd say around $25k.
We don't share funds per say but we split up the bills. We have separate bank accounts but her name is on all of my accounts and my name is on all of hers but she doesn't have a debt card for mine/I don't have one for hers. We don't have joint credit cards either.
I’m fortunate to work for a VERY busy company that pays good hourly plus bonuses. It’s not easy, and I definitely feel it after almost sixteen years, but it’s consistent.
16 years! Damn. Some of those appliances/equipment I see you move look heavy AF! :eek:
So you have separate bank accounts and split up the bills/daughter costs.
My wife makes less than me. I'd say around $25k.
We don't share funds per say but we split up the bills. We have separate bank accounts but her name is on all of my accounts and my name is on all of hers but she doesn't have a debt card for mine/I don't have one for hers. We don't have joint credit cards either.
Pretty much the same. The basic utilities are under her name and she just recently started paying for them now that her car is paid off.
We have no joint accounts. I’ve got multiple accounts with banks and credit unions that I like to spread leftover cash to every paycheck. I find it makes it harder for me to impulse buy.
16 years! Damn. Some of those appliances/equipment I see you move look heavy AF! :eek:
Some are. Some just look heavy. We recently got Air Sleds (YouTube) but they can take too long to set up.
Besides the Dell's do you enjoy what you do?
It's not always about the money. I know I'm the minority and I understand you need money to survive but it's not always about that.

I'd rather be making $60k and enjoy my job (of course able to pay bills) over $80k and hate my job and be miserable.

But that's just me.
^ yup this

i dont do too badly salary wise, im in a highly specialized and rapidly growing corner of healthcare. I could substantially increase my salary if i jumped to medical device evaluation but i would hate my life doing it, plus itd be a change to contractor instead of employee
@Honda-Fan I prob make about as much as you do but my wife makes a little over double what I make. We share all our funds. She got lucky when she switched from NASCAR to ESPN that she doubled her salary and got nice bonuses after the switch.

I think I could make a little more and/or get some decent raises if I worked for a large corp but I work for a father/son team that own 8 retail franchise stores. But I work from home(pre-covid) and pretty much work my own hours as long as I get my work done on time. Like today, overslept and got out of bed at 9:15 but since I am home I don't get in trouble, lol I say I work maybe 4-5 hours a work day on average but get paid full time.
Besides the Dell's do you enjoy what you do?
It's not always about the money. I know I'm the minority and I understand you need money to survive but it's not always about that.

I'd rather be making $60k and enjoy my job (of course able to pay bills) over $80k and hate my job and be miserable.

But that's just me.

Also you have to take into consideration that Foo, Stiletto, Janzen, Nomar and myself (maybe some others too) have a significant other (IE: dual incomes).

I do like what I do -- I just have that creeping fear of being eventually priced out, I guess. Doing hardware fixes is a blast -- it's weird that so many people seem to be afraid to open up electronic components and do mechanical stuff.

My new co-worker (different team) that I was working with today moved from the Dallas area about 9-10 years ago to Maryland. His dad works for the DoD and told him that he could find more jobs up in the DMV area. He worked for the county school system for 9 years before applying for the county government a few months ago. Not sure why he switched from county school system to local government. Maybe better pay?

He said he tried to apply for local government/school system in Dallas but there was never openings or hard to get an interview.
This is true; Dallas is a tech area, so there's lots of tech companies here. They're all being flooded with applications from all over the world, so it's not easy to get a competitive job. In contrast, it's pretty easy to get like a very basic over-the-phone support mill type job. Those will let you almost walk-on here.
depends on your background, but id bet there are better places for you to take your skills

I've thrown the idea around a lot -- I wouldn't mind making a change... I'm just not acquainted with a lot of the other places in the US.
You do have the advantage of all of us are all over the place to poke around and find out geographically.

hospitals employ their own specialized tech teams too, dont know what their certifications are but we have teams at my hospital that just do radiology's computers and servers, another one that does the major hardware like patient monitors, imaging scanners. they get to pop the covers and do software and hardware diag and fix and are the ones who make the call of we can fix in house or we need to make the manufacturer come out and do it
Pretty much the same. The basic utilities are under her name and she just recently started paying for them now that her car is paid off.
We have no joint accounts. I’ve got multiple accounts with banks and credit unions that I like to spread leftover cash to every paycheck. I find it makes it harder for me to impulse buy.

I don't have that issue with impulse buying and my wife is frugal like me.

List of things she pays for:
* Rent
* Oil (we have oil heat)
* Car Insurance (her vehicle)
* Renters Insurance + Insurance on her wedding rings
* Gas (her vehicle)

List of things I pay for:
* BGE (Electric)
* Cell Phone
* Xfinity (TV/Internet/Phone)
* Car Insurance (my vehicle)
* Gas (my vehicle)
* Groceries
* Dining out (we don't do it often but I pay for that)

We don't have streaming services (Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, ect).

Edit: I feel like there were more items for both of our lists but I guess not.. :think:

I think I could make a little more and/or get some decent raises if I worked for a large corp but I work for a father/son team that own 8 retail franchise stores. But I work from home(pre-covid) and pretty much work my own hours as long as I get my work done on time. Like today, overslept and got out of bed at 9:15 but since I am home I don't get in trouble, lol I say I work maybe 4-5 hours a work day on average but get paid full time.

Ewww full-time WFH... No thanks! lol

Guess you don't get off for Juneteenth since it's a father/son business.
Ewww full-time WFH... No thanks! lol

Guess you don't get off for Juneteenth since it's a father/son business.

I don't even get all the federal holidays....or at least the ones the post office is closed on, lol.

Trust me....after 20-25 years of jobs that I sat in a cube for 8hrs and then add 30-60 min commute each way. Working from home for 8 hours(which I usually don't do) is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the cube life. You just never really experienced that cube least it seems like you haven't.
I don't even get all the federal holidays....or at least the ones the post office is closed on, lol.

Trust me....after 20-25 years of jobs that I sat in a cube for 8hrs and then add 30-60 min commute each way. Working from home for 8 hours(which I usually don't do) is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than the cube life. You just never really experienced that cube least it seems like you haven't.

Hell from 2006-2008 I had cubicle life. Then 2008-2010 it was no cubicles... Just everyone answering calls in a row against a wall.. no dividers. :facepalm:

2010-2012 I did cubicle life for a bit.

2012-present I have my own remote office (small AF) in the field at a site.
So, it would appear as though my internal monologue that became an external thought stirred up some conversation here. Sorry about that.

But, a few questions in there. The $1700/mo avg rent for an apartment was based on a .3sec Google search and just taking the first value it spit out. I know that the amount one pays for rent/mortgage makes a huge difference on where the dwelling is, how far/near it is from everything, how old the unit is, how long the agreement (rent agreement and mortgages, some are fixed) has been, and many other factors. Again, I was just spit balling there trying to understand the economic impact of those salary numbers being discussed (and, I like to see the numbers as it helps me understand things).

As for me, I have 3 income streams, these combine to about 3x the national average previously quoted. I am the only income source in my household (spouse does not work) so I effectively pay for everything (I earn the money, she manages the budget as she is more frugal than I am); I'm married with 3 kids (1 in college, 1 in HS, 1 in MS). I have a mortgage that is 1yr old and is more than double the national average amount quoted earlier (I sold my house in VA when I moved to FL last year, got a slightly smaller house but mortgage is about twice as much, mostly due to market boom and to the interest rates increasing). I have no car payments (3 cars, 1 motorcycle, all paid for). If I was to boil it all down, I'd say we do ok overall. Could be better, could be a lot worse. But, it basically takes 3 incomes to be able to say that; and inflation still has a noticeable effect even where I am financially. If I were to drop any 1 of the 3, it would be a significant impact to where I would be looking for more work.
Three?! Care to share? Don’t need specifics. I’ve always been interested in picking up a side hustle but can never land on anything concrete.
Mother in law bought a bag of ice for her water because there's never enough ice in the freezer. But that's because I'm the only that makes ice for some reason.
Hell from 2006-2008 I had cubicle life. Then 2008-2010 it was no cubicles... Just everyone answering calls in a row against a wall.. no dividers. :facepalm:

2010-2012 I did cubicle life for a bit.

2012-present I have my own remote office (small AF) in the field at a site.
I'm a Cubeoid, have been a Cubeoid for the last 6 years. I don't hate it, mostly because even though I'm in a cube, my job involves moving around campus frequently.
about 3x the national average
Can I come live with you

I'm a quiet sleeper
I won't eat a lot