Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Costa Rica is a blast, and you can find some smaller resorty things to book into and still do all the excursion activities, you just happen to be on a river in the middle of the rain forest
I like sayulita Mexico more than Costa Rica only because we can walk to beaches here. Lots of golf car rentals but I'm not lazy enough or fat enough for that. And I'm cheap. We walked probably 2 kms a day here. We never left the town either. There is a lot to do here and very lively. Lots of you Americans here ( driving golf carts. Lol ).

Costa Rica requires a car rental to get to any beach. But it's completely different since it's a rain forest. Both have pros and cons. I'd rather have a private beach with a small house next to it with no one trying to sell me braids every 5 minutes though. And I have no hair. That's not possible.

I think we're going to plan a Thailand trip for next year. Probably 2 or 3 weeks though. It's going to be expensive though. I just priced out flights and it's 6k CND for 4. Air bnb seems to be about 2 to 4k CND for 3 weeks but we would probably do 2 different locations. But it is fun learning a town, last 4 days I've been able to navigate with no Google maps. I have quickly realized that I need to learn Spanish though. Bought a bottle of water and she said trienta and had no idea. Handed her a 50 and thankfully I was right and got 20 back.
Did taxes. Yuck.

Between all tax sources (sales, property, income, cap gains, SS, Medicare) we paid more than $100k in taxes last year and still owed $100 at the end of the day.