Official Orlando Chat Thread

When my parents where in cancun for cinco de mayo....they thought oh cool..this will be great. Should be a nice party here. Nope. They do nothing for Cinco de Mayo. Such an americanized holiday.
lol, Joey might be one of those drunken people later................:beer:
wrong... i was ASLEEP before 11PM last night :sleep:
and oddly enough, i awoke at 7:04AM this morning before my 7:15AM alarm. weeeeeeeird!

worked all day and left early 4:30PM. drove home, went to Publix by Angel/Brett's. grabbed a 6-pack of Bud Light Lime, some tortilla chips, and a Snickers. went home and drank 3 beers, had 1/2 the bag of chips, ate the Snickers, ate dinner (spaghetti), and started to watch my Thursday night shows. i guess at one point or another i fell asleep. woke up and took a shower, got dressed, and here i am.
you need to tone down the alcoholism a touch there 'stina ;)

j/k... but srsly, you're ALWAYS sick. you'd think your body would eventually get tired of always being sick :sadface:

hope you feel better soon!

ps- i got my 100 posts trophy :woowoo:
hey Robert, i've heard of "back fat" but omg this one definitely trumps that without a doubt. i dub thee "back of the head fat" or "football neck" lolol :rotfl:
you need to tone down the alcoholism a touch there 'stina ;)

j/k... but srsly, you're ALWAYS sick. you'd think your body would eventually get tired of always being sick :sadface:

hope you feel better soon!

ps- i got my 100 posts trophy :woowoo:

Oh yeah, you know how much I love alcohol :rotfl:

Yeah, the joys of possibly having an autoimmune disease, eh? I'm still not as bad as my mom when it comes to always being ill. Although I think you're the king of being sick. :giggle:

Thanks :) and congrats on the trophy
oh joey I am sure your parents and boss will be so proud of your whoring. :dogdance:
So I was over by Universal Studios today meeting with a client, and who do I see walking out of the hotel I was at??? Ron Weasley, I asked for a quick photo and autograph. I couldn't believe how pale he was. I thought he was going to burst into flames at any moment. Here is my pic of him, looks more like a chav than anything else. :usa:
