Official Orlando Chat Thread

prrrrrrrrrrrrrrretty much. :sleep:

today has consisted of:
*tying up a few accessory loose ends on a Gainesville trade from yesterday (Pilot Tour for 2 Fit Sports (1 being a NAVI))
*reprimanding Gville DT guy for his driver's now SECOND offense smoking in a DT vehicle. SHAMEFULL!!!!!!!!!
f*ixing the paper shredder at the sales desk
*jamming (total mistake, ooooops!!!) and then fixing the commercial paper shredder near the copy/fax/scan machine
*updating KeyTrak system w/ every possible instance of Honda color name, model, trim
*going thru all 600+ keytags for KeyTrak and removing misc. parts that shouldn't be there
*lunch (leftover Dickey's BBQ joint food)
*typing this and MAAAANY other posts on 9th
*causing trouble over on 8th
*browsing Autoblog website
*searching for more possible units i'm interested in gather info on for the DT condo complex. TRYING to get myself on a path to moving out...

that's about it for now. :paper:
LMFAO i see that D I C K E Y' S was edited by the swear filter. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

it's just a restaurant folks... no phallic bs going on here :shadyhat:
family dinner last Saturday i think? dunno... i was asked "do you wanna eat leftovers instead of buying lunch today, Joey" and my reply was "f*ck yes i do!"
i haven't had to buy lunch once this week so far :pray:

not only gas money savings, but food money savings to boot! :D