Post Something Positive.......

Forgot to mention......I saw an Ferrari 458 at the race the other day. :drooling:
Car is in a good shop and all the issues with my exhaust and power steering should be fixed today
Oh I am too. Play every Thursday with friends. :)

Have a big tournament with people from OT on my Subaru forum in July down in NoVa
I don't want to sound redundant, but the wifey and I found out the sex of our unborn child this past Monday, we are having a baby boy. Due date December 19th, I'm hoping a week earlier LOL too close to the Holidays :) We have the first name "Dylan" but not sure of a middle name :confused:any suggestions?
Congrats on the baby boy. Anyone else in the family have names passed down from relatives? A middle/first name of a grandfather/uncle/etc...

any fears on the 19th due date? With the mayan calendar ending on the 21st...and your username being armogedon :hiding: jk
Congrats on the baby boy. Anyone else in the family have names passed down from relatives? A middle/first name of a grandfather/uncle/etc...

any fears on the 19th due date? With the mayan calendar ending on the 21st...and your username being armogedon :hiding: jk
:rotfl:I have to say that was quick thinking!! LOL, man I wonder how many of us in here believes on this mayan calendar thing:eek:.

Unfortunately, no names have passed down from relatives :( so far I have the folling potential middle names:

Dylan Brice
Dylan Matthew
Dylan Michael