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I went to Connecticut last week and all I got was...
K&N SRI...

RV 6 catted down pipe...

and Flashpro!!!
Got my HFP suspension on my trunk ready to be installed Monday morning,got the lip kit shipping out Monday ( thanks Collins hills honda for the killer deal!),got my billet pro short shifter and cable bushings and powder coated gloss black lugs in the mailbox Saturday,bought can of black plastidip and have my rims powder coating appointment for the 15th! Thanks mortgage company for overstating my escrow account! Now I get to be a modding fool! Forgot to add that out home values in Atlanta suck :(

should be tough enough to support my 7d, not sure ill mount it outside a car for actual driving videos though.

Want to see if i can make an extended arm for it, say about 6ft