Sleepy checkin in......:woot new site

Just waiting for a phone call from hospital. I am hoping it is just something silly and not a damaged disc again. I will keep u kids updated. For now I am on heavy narcotics to deal with the pain, and physio twice a week.
:( sorry you're back on pain killers. Hopefully it's something stupid or simple... try taking it easy
I had a morbid idea of building a Lego casket. I hate having to take the meds but I can't work otherwise, work is more fun now thought. I am trying my best to stay positive about this but I have hard days cause it sucks.
death freaks me

work & meds...oh my

I haven't had my extreme pains in a while, thankfully. I'm just so fed up of being nauseous 24/7 since August '10 :sadbanana:
It'll make you crazy
Death does not bother me, I have come very very close many times in my life. The last time was jan 2010, I almost had had failure due to extremely low potassium. I had been violently I'll with nasty broken bum and vomiting. They didn't tell me this until 3 days later when I found out I was in the critical care section of the emerg ward.
Yikes! Potassium can be dangerous. My dad's was low earlier '11 when he had heart issues and was in the hospital

Yeah I'm really terrified of it...keeps me up really late at night most of the time.


eventful morning yesterday, miagrane headache took me down good.
I am trying my best to take care of myself, the fire department showed up as well as the ambulance crew yesterday morning. Oh well I am back to work now and feeling a million times better.
They plyed me with anti headache/barfy drugs. Did a brain scan and that came out normal. I got out 6 hours later. I am way to busy at work to be missing time and I am taking it easy and drinking lots of water.