Sleepy checkin in......:woot new site

It's funny this time last year is when I met her for the first time. And u are correct I don't need the crap that came with that so called friendship. Live and learn.
Yup! Live, Learn and Move on! ;)

Anyways.. New topic. Don't want to keep talking about her.

Jack sleeping?

Damn it's almost 12:30am here :(
Yeah I went to bed after my last post.

I'm walking from the garage at work to my office. Forgot my damn sunglasses in my other coat FML

I get headaches if I don't wear sunglasses and its sunny.
My Leg is killing me today, I figured I would be in lots of pain Monday Tuesday from falling down the stairs but nope it hurts bad today. Why are u sore Jeffy, wild and crazy sexy time with your lady?
I wish Susan.. lol

My friend was moving from a 3 level townhouse to a single family home.. So he asked me (along with 2 other friends and his dad) to help him move. He had a big Uhaul truck and 2 other trucks (regular 1500 Chevy trucks) that we made 3 trips with!!

Started helping around 4:30pm and didn't leave until 10:30pm :omg: